Showing records 1 to 12 out of 12 records. Viewing category Articles. View by [ Title ] [ Genre ] [ License ] [ Date ] [ Hits ] Alcubierre Warp Drive
- Science Fiction, Free
A warp-drive solution to Einstein's equations.
(Added: 2010-06-20, 3864 hits)
FAQ: Can I Copyright My Game?
- Misc, Free
Can you copyright your game? What is protected by copyright? This FAQ gives you a straight answer, and has links to further reading.
(Added: 2001-09-03, 3177 hits)
FAQ: How Do I Handle Swordfights?
- Fantasy, Free
An interesting and informative article by Julie Woodcock on the tools and terminology of fencing.
(Added: 2002-02-26, 6423 hits)
FAQ: How Should I Handle Wishes?
- Fantasy, Free
How strictly should I interpret the wording of a Wish? Should I interpret it as literally as possible, even if the Wish is poorly phrased? Or should I consider the intent of the Wish?
(Added: 2001-09-17, 3190 hits)
FAQ: Open Game License
- Misc, Free
Frequently asked questions about the Open Game License from Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.
(Added: 2010-06-17, 3180 hits)
FAQ: Play By Email (PBEM) Role-playing Games
- Misc, Free
Some brief questions and answers pertaining to PBEM role-playing games. It's not the ultimate source of all wisdom, but at least it's a start.
(Added: 2011-01-23, 5747 hits)
FAQ: What is a "shared universe"?
- Misc, Free
The concept of a "shared universe" may not sound familiar to you, but chances are that you have seen them all of your life, and probably contributed to several.
(Added: 2005-01-07, 3292 hits)
FAQ: Why bother with a class system?
- Misc, Free
This FAQ specifically addresses an objection to d20 Modern, but it also addresses the larger question of "why bother with a class system at all?"
(Added: 2004-07-28, 3242 hits)
Kabbalistic Magic
- Fantasy, Free
A fertile source for ideas concerning magic is Man's own past, and among the various philosophies which have not been thoroughly explored for fantasy role-playing games is the Jewish Kabbalah.
(Added: 2002-12-29, 8697 hits)
Role-Playing FAQs
- Misc, Free
A collection of FAQs pertaining to role-playing games.
(Added: 2004-07-27, 2865 hits)
The Female Adventure(r)
- Fantasy, Free
This is a two-part article. Part 1 addresses the basic objections some GMs have to allowing female Player Characters. Part 2 offers suggestions to GMs who would like to create a society that casts women in roles of power and influence.
(Added: 2003-01-09, 3094 hits)
The Head Of Vecna
- Fantasy, Free
A team of adventurers decapitate themselves in the search for ultimate power.
(Added: 2010-06-12, 2784 hits)
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